California 社区 Colleges Forges Guaranteed Transfer Agreement-九州体育平台入口

发布日期: 2015年3月19日

California 社区 Colleges forges guaranteed transfer agreement with nine historically 黑人学院和大学

Beginning fall 2015, California community 大学转学生 who meet certain academic criteria will be guaranteed admission to nine historically black colleges and universities, thanks to an agreement 加州社区学院 Board of Governors and the leaders of the institutions signed at the board’s meeting today.

“The California 社区 Colleges is working on multiple fronts to create avenues of opportunity for our students,” said California 社区 Colleges Board of Governors 杰弗里·L. 鲍姆. “This agreement opens a new and streamlined transfer pathway for our students to some of the finest and culturally diverse institutions of higher 在美国学习. I thank our nine partners for working with us to make 有可能.”

The nine HBCUs participating in the agreement are:

Under the agreement, students who apply to the schools and obtain a transfer-level 大专学历,平均绩点2分.5或更高,完成 Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (accepted at both the University of California and California State University), 或者是 California State University General Education Breadth pattern, will be guaranteed admission with junior standing.

A second option to earn guaranteed admission requires transfer students to earn 30 or more CSU or UC transferrable units with a GPA of 2.5或以上.

Other advantages conferred to transfer students under the agreement include priority consideration for housing, consideration for transfer scholarships for students with a 3.2或更高的GPA,以及入学前的建议.

For certain majors, students may need to fulfill additional prerequisites and other 需求.

Eight of the participating colleges and universities are private institutions. 林肯 University of Missouri is public, and will offer in-state tuition for California community 大学转学生.

今天的协议支持一个白宫 倡议,由博士领导. George Cooper, to strengthen and expand the capacity of HBCUs to provide 给学生提供优质的高等教育.

“California community college students and the nine participating schools will benefit 我们从协议中获益良多。. “学校将有一个更大的 pool of gifted students knocking on their doors and California community college students will be guaranteed transfer to four-一年 institutions with rich histories, traditions 以及成功的记录.”

HBCUs were founded to serve the higher education needs of African-American students, though they are open to students of any ethnicity.

These colleges and universities are typically smaller in student size than other schools. Many classes are taught by professors rather than teaching assistants in a nurturing and supportive environment with many opportunities for student leadership development.

“我们赞扬布莱斯·W·布什总理. Harris and 加州社区学院 for working to ensure that all community college students have a guaranteed pathway toward their academic goals,” said Walter Bumphus, president of the 美国社区学院协会. “Nationally, community colleges serve the majority of minority students, and this historic agreement with HBCUs will safeguard increased access toward the completion 学士学位的.”

Jovon Duke, 22, attended El Camino College in Torrance, Calif. 然后转移到 菲斯克大学 in 2013 because of its small class sizes and friendly, supportive 大气. “Fisk is such a tight-knitted community and Nashville is great. 我有 a lot of opportunities to take on leadership positions and have made many friends 和我的教授关系密切. 我喜欢这里,”杜克说. 他计划 earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology and moving on to either Middle Tennessee State University or Case Western Reserve University to get a master’s degree 在社会工作方面.

There are 105 HBCUs in the country, with most located in the South and East Coast.

Many HBCUs were founded following the Civil War, after the Morrell Act permitting the development of land grant colleges was signed by President Abraham 林肯.

For more information on today’s agreement and the participating colleges and universities, 请浏览链接不再可用).

The California 社区 Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation composed of 72 districts and 112 colleges serving 2.每100万学生 一年. 社区 colleges supply workforce training, basic skills education and prepare 转到四年制大学的学生. 校长办公室提供 leadership, advocacy and support under the direction of the Board of Governors of 加州社区学院. For more information about the community colleges, 请访问,, or