Roadrunner named to The Obama Foundation’s inaugural Leaders USA Program - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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发布日期: 2月. 2, 2024


Roadrunner named to The Obama Foundation’s inaugural Leaders USA Program

皇家Ramey knows the importance of a second chance. And his work as the co-founder of the Forestry Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP) has gained national headlines and the attention of President Barack Obama.

Ramey is among 100 leaders from across the U.S. named to The Obama Foundation’s Leaders USA Program, a six-month “leadership development program that seeks to inspire, empower and connect emerging leaders across the country” by providing them with new skills and tools that will aid in accelerating “positive and lasting change in their communities,” according to the Foundation’s website.

After being released from prison, Ramey and FFRP Co-Founder Brandon Smith struggled to find their footing back into civilian life. Although they had experience in fire forestry while incarcerated, their efforts to find jobs that utilize those skills with a record were invariably rebuffed because of their prison records.

But it was while in prison that Ramey learned about Crafton’s Fire Academy, and after going through the application process, Ramey and Smith finally got their chance to begin their careers in firefighting.

“I knew if I wasn’t accepted that I could at least get my associate’s degree in fire technology,” Ramey said, “and that alone would have been amazing.”

Founded in 2015, the FFRP builds bridges between formerly incarcerated wildland firefighters and California’s forestry fire labor face through in-reach services, post-release training, job coaching, and an employment pre-apprenticeship program. 反过来,那些 supported by the program qualify to help fill the staffing needs for fighting forest 火灾.

“We want to set them up with tools that will lead them to a better life,” Ramey said. “For me, my work has a higher purpose – setting up the next generation of wildland 消防队员. It’s my duty – from now until my last breath – to be of service for 这些人.”

The new year is going to be a big one for Ramey as he prepares to launch a program 在L.A. County that provides training for

foster-care youths and those on parole or probation that will enable them to get back on their feet and move the FFRP forward in its mission.

“I think when people say “no,” I think yes. I don’t think it’s a cookie cutter world out there, but if you are truly committed to your goals and it’s something you really want to do, this is a recipe I have for myself to achieve those goals. 它们是:

  • Have a definite goal.
  • Have a burning desire.
  • Create ‘The Blueprint.’ Have a plan from a-to-z that will get you to your destination.

“Whether it takes a month or five years, get it done, but remember to have patience with yourself and g比赛 every time,” Ramey shared. “I don’t believe in the ‘no’s but I had to be reasonable with my goals. It took me 12 years, but I always kept focused 在我的计划中.”

To learn more about The Obama Foundation’s Leaders USA Program, go to 奥巴马.org/programs/leaders/usa/2023/.

To learn more about the FFRP’s work and to get involved, visit